At a time when burro populations worldwide are plummeting: BLM needs to move out of the dark ages, use a bit of science and common sense and actually begin to protect our treasured long ears. And we, as an advocacy, need to stay informed on our burros so we can better protect them. | |
On March 1st, 2023, the Bureau of Land Management will publish their annual herd statistics that will lead to a certain number of burros being removed from a very uncertain population size. Let me explain: Every burro is considered to have aged another full year on March 1st, the designated birthday for every burro on the range, regardless of how old the burro actually is. For example; if a burro is born in September 2022, they will be aged at one years old on March 1st 2023, and included in the annual growth rate equation from that point forward despite not actually being capable of reproducing until September 2025. This is an obvious fallacy in how numbers, ages, and wellbeing is tallied by the BLM; a fallacy that is thunderously obvious to anyone spending more than five seconds thinking about it. We go into further detail in the full article, that you can reach by clicking the button below. | |
Donkeys around the world, including our own nation’s wild burros, are in peril. The global threat is fueled by China’s Ejiao trade (see below); inside the United States however, it is driven by the Bureau of Land Management. The BLM claims they need to drive down the population of wild burros to less than 3,000, the level they say “is appropriate.” WHE is currently working hard on precedent setting litigation at the Blue Wing Complex in Nevada (one of the largest areas in the US where burros can legally occupy the land, over 2 million acres, where BLM says only 90 burros are “appropriate.” We will update you soon!) Every year upwards to 5-8 million donkeys are slaughtered – their hides boiled to produce the gelatin (known as ejiao) used in manufacturing traditional Chinese medicines of which the U.S. is the 3rd largest importer of. It is estimated that there are 40 million donkeys/burros worldwide. The Ejiao trade has put the species in peril. An informed advocacy is an effective advocacy; as difficult as this is to hear, we need to know what is threatening our burros so we can put a stop to it. To stay informed on this topic, click the button below. | |
As always, you can stay up to date with our latest articles and actions by going to our website. Thank you for your help in protecting our burros. | |
Wild Horse Education is a registered 501c3 with the Internal Revenue Service. Contributions are tax deductible according to the laws of the IRS. 450-2507000 | |
Wild Horse Education 216 Lemmon Valley Dr #316 Reno, NV 89506 | |