After capture of wild horses and burros in July, BLM chose to send all of the horses and burros into off-limits facilities.
The only facility opening the doors to allow assessment is Axtel in Utah.
The Blue wing roundup registered an onsite death ratio 4 times higher than any other roundup in July, yet the doors of the facility in Fallon remain shut.
As tax-payers, we demand the door to the Broken Arrow facility on Indian Lakes road in Fallon NV be opened immediately.
It is outrageous that the public is not permitted to view the newly captive horses and burros and BLM can simply hide the care, or lack of care, these animals are receiving.
Open Broken Arrow within the next 10 days for assessment. Waiting a month to allow visitation is prohibiting the public's right to know and assess for themselves.
This is simply un-American and against the basic tenets of the Constitution.