As the North Land Complex roundup arguably removed wild horses to below Appropriate Management Level (AML), stakeholders of wild horses seek to rectify this urgent matter.
We, the undersigned, petition to see all post-gather census data. We request that BLM post on their website the post gather direct count including all mapping data.
BLM can then explain to the public how that data is currently manipulated in the modeling program to reach "BLM estimated population."
BLM can utilize this opportunity to inform the public of their methodology.
We request that all wild horses remain in the facility until final counts are done. No stallion should be gelded.
We request that BLM work with advocacy organizations to determine which wild horses should go back to the range.
A very popular grey stallion (with an internet presence), who has been dubbed "Elvis" and a bay stallion gaining popularity named "Krazy," should be returned. Elvis is from Conant Creek. Their loss greatly inhibits the enjoyment of public lands by local wild horse stakeholders.
Thank you for your consideration,